Ep 94. How I Use AI Tools to Support Me (Pt 2)
Are you a mom entrepreneur looking for ways to save time and work smarter at home and in business?
In this episode, I'm sharing how I currently use ChatGPT to help with tasks both at home and in the business
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You are now tuned in to the mom CEO suite podcast.
Speaker:I'm your host, Felicia, wife, mom, and
Speaker:entrepreneur. In this podcast, I'll be sharing my mompreneur
Speaker:journey along with strategies that will help you build your online
Speaker:business operations in a sustainable way. The goal is
Speaker:to help you build a business that fits into your lifestyle as a mom who
Speaker:values putting family first. We will also hear the
Speaker:experiences and expertise of other moms with service
Speaker:based businesses. You'll get a peek into our journeys, so you'll
Speaker:know that you aren't alone. Motherhood gets hard.
Speaker:Entrepreneurship gets hard. But together, we can
Speaker:do hard things. Welcome to the suite.
Speaker:Hey friend, welcome to another episode. Thank you for being here. So
Speaker:today, This is part two of how I use
Speaker:AI tools to support me. A few episodes back was
Speaker:part one. If you missed it, I'm going to link it in the show description.
Speaker:So you can go ahead and go back. And listen to part one,
Speaker:and I'm just continuing this conversation in part two, I thought I was
Speaker:only going to be doing two parts, but. AI artificial
Speaker:intelligence. There have just been so many things, so many new
Speaker:developments that this just might. Continue one
Speaker:until, you know, they stop coming out with new things.
Speaker:Um, but I'm just going to constantly be testing out new things
Speaker:and whatever I implement or just things that I
Speaker:have learned or insights that I've gained. I'll come on here and share it.
Speaker:On the podcast. So today I just have a few things that I wanted to
Speaker:share. And again, this is related to both home and business.
Speaker:So the first thing, which is going to be home-related. My
Speaker:daughter, she just turned three in
Speaker:August and I am pretty sure we're going to go the
Speaker:homeschooling route. And so kind of in preparation for that.
Speaker:While she's home with me. I want to start. Trying to
Speaker:implement some type of. Lesson plans or
Speaker:activities, just getting into the groove of homeschooling a
Speaker:little bit. And so I use Chad GPT to help me.
Speaker:Create a homeschool curriculum. And so the prompt that
Speaker:I put in to Chet GPT is this. I said, you
Speaker:have a three-year-old daughter that you want to homeschool. Please create a monthly
Speaker:curriculum broken down into weekly and daily lesson plans. That
Speaker:are age appropriate and cover skills such as reading, writing, math, science,
Speaker:social, emotional learning, and anything else she should be learning
Speaker:during this phase. it gave me something.
Speaker:And then another prompt that I added was please incorporate arts and
Speaker:crafts and musical activities as well. And it gave me something else.
Speaker:And then I added another prompt that said for each lesson plan, can you give
Speaker:step-by-step instructions on how to execute the activity and
Speaker:materials needed? And so this gave me a very.
Speaker:Comprehensive lesson plan. And I just kept going
Speaker:on and on with the prompts, just to kind of see what it would give
Speaker:me. And the themes were really good. I even added some
Speaker:things like adding biblical studies in there. The themes were
Speaker:really good and it was broken down really well. And I'm going to
Speaker:go back, take some information from it, modify it. It
Speaker:definitely gave me a starting point because I was just in a space where it
Speaker:was like, I have no idea where to start. And so,
Speaker:um, this helped me tremendously with ideas for activities, and
Speaker:even just giving me a structure. Of things that I can follow as
Speaker:I am starting this homeschool journey with my,
Speaker:my daughter. Okay. So that's the first thing. The other.
Speaker:Okay, I'll do this one. The other thing that was kind of related to home
Speaker:was this budget piece. So what I
Speaker:did. I took a a
Speaker:CSV file of the transactions from a monthly statement.
Speaker:And I uploaded that into chat GPT. And
Speaker:I asked it to, analyze the budget. And
Speaker:give recommendations, based on the information that it
Speaker:gathered from the, from the transactions.
Speaker:And so I put that in there and then what it gave to me,
Speaker:it broke down the spending by category. it broke it
Speaker:down in dollar amount and then also in a percentage so it
Speaker:said on food, you spend this amount and that's X percent of
Speaker:your total budget on housing. You spent this
Speaker:much and it was x percent of your total
Speaker:budget. Now that I'm thinking about it. I think I uploaded transactions for an
Speaker:entire quarter, not just for one month. But any row
Speaker:I uploaded these transactions and it gave me this information, like how
Speaker:much I was spending and, um, what percentage of my budget that
Speaker:was. And then it gave recommendations for, you know, trying to
Speaker:either reduce some areas or where I had some room where I
Speaker:could. You know, Spend more if I desire to.
Speaker:And, and I guess this is kind of based on like financial models and
Speaker:food, for example, you know, you spend the average amount on
Speaker:food and it kind of compare housing costs and all these things.
Speaker:So that was a really informational if you're trying to kind of hone in
Speaker:on your budget. and just kind of be in
Speaker:alignment with like those financial models that say, you know, your housing
Speaker:should be X percent of your budget and, I don't even know the other categories,
Speaker:but they, they kind of give these categories in percentages.
Speaker:That's like ideal for your budget. So if you're one of those people and you're
Speaker:looking to kind of get better with your budget, that might be helpful. I
Speaker:thought it was just a little bit insightful. So those were the two
Speaker:things. That I used AI for
Speaker:related to home. And then the final two things are going to be related
Speaker:to the business. So again, keeping with this idea of data
Speaker:analysis. I first started the data analysis with the
Speaker:business. And so what I did. I was looking through my email.
Speaker:Analytics. And, I downloaded some of the
Speaker:information from my email analytics. I
Speaker:uploaded that into Chad GPT and I exited it to analyze the
Speaker:data and it gave me. Let me see if I can find
Speaker:it really quick. Okay. So what I exited, I just
Speaker:uploaded this CSV file. Or this
Speaker:spreadsheet. And I asked him, can you analyze the data in this
Speaker:file? And give me a summary of the best performing emails sent in
Speaker:2024. So the information included data
Speaker:from. Before 20, 24, but I only wanted to know
Speaker:about the information for 2024. And so
Speaker:then it kind of gave me a summary and it told me the data
Speaker:contained email performance metrics, including like the email name,
Speaker:the sin time unique opens unique clicks, open rate,
Speaker:click rate, unsubscribe rate. Okay, then it filtered out the information
Speaker:for 2024. And it gave me,
Speaker:um, a list of the top five open
Speaker:rate emails. It gave me a list of the top five click
Speaker:rate emails. And then it gave me a list of
Speaker:the top five unique clicks email.
Speaker:So having this information, it allowed me to see
Speaker:what the best performing emails were. And I was able to
Speaker:go back into my email marketing tool and see what the
Speaker:specific. Um, emails were about And so that
Speaker:was really helpful. And I didn't notice a trend that there
Speaker:was a. Um, Increase in
Speaker:clicks when tutorials. We're included. So
Speaker:that information I can take. And make decisions
Speaker:for the future things that I'm going to put into my email.
Speaker:So that was the first data analysis thing. Actually, I did this
Speaker:one first and then. I did B budget analysis.
Speaker:So that was there. This is really interesting is so if you have any type
Speaker:of data, And your business. You can
Speaker:actually just upload it here and X chat GBT to
Speaker:summarize it for you. And you can make informed decisions based
Speaker:on this summary. Some email marketing tools. I'm using
Speaker:flow desk, some email marketing tools. Might've had this embedded.
Speaker:In there. Um, software natively, but the way
Speaker:flow desks analytics are it just didn't. it didn't give me
Speaker:the information. As simple and straightforward as Chad
Speaker:GPT did. All right. Then the final thing that I
Speaker:used an AI tool for, again, this was Chad GBT. So for all of these,
Speaker:it was Chad GPT. It was creating a.
Speaker:Content calendar. And so what I exited
Speaker:to do, I was very specific. In
Speaker:what I exited to do. And the reason why I did this is
Speaker:because I'm what I really wanted to. Get a better workflow for
Speaker:creating my content. This is like one area of the business
Speaker:that is not systemized where I don't have a real workflow
Speaker:for outside of the podcast. A lot of my content I
Speaker:just do on the fly or in real time. And so I was looking for
Speaker:a way to be able to create content ahead of time and
Speaker:schedule it. And it really just makes sense. So I exited to create me
Speaker:a social media content calendar, and it was very
Speaker:specific. And the prompt that I put in. So I
Speaker:exit it to create a monthly social media content calendar in
Speaker:table form. And then I gave it all of the
Speaker:different, um, Like parameters. And
Speaker:platforms how often I wanted to post on each platform
Speaker:and the different types of posts that I wanted to, uh, be
Speaker:included. Um, sales polls for the different
Speaker:offers. Told them, my audience told them my content
Speaker:pillars and it spit out. A content calendar for
Speaker:me. And it was broken down by social media.
Speaker:Platform. And then for each day there was pretty
Speaker:much. You know, like a type of post. For
Speaker:that particular platform. And so it was really good. And then I asked
Speaker:them my follow-up prompt was
Speaker:related to my podcast episodes, and I asked them to
Speaker:redo the calendar specifically for. October
Speaker:20, 24 and it mapped it out better.
Speaker:With my podcast episodes. And then I put another prompt in
Speaker:here that gave them because I really wanted my content to be based
Speaker:off of the podcast episodes every week. And so then
Speaker:I put in what the actual topics for each week. for the podcast
Speaker:would be, and then, ask them to redo it based on that
Speaker:information. And so it gave me. The
Speaker:information that I needed in a good starting point. Now I'm not going to use
Speaker:every single one of their, um, you know, every single one
Speaker:of their prompts or. whatever they gave me, but again, it's a
Speaker:good starting point. I'm not starting from zero. So it was super
Speaker:helpful in helping me to be able to create a system and a workflow for
Speaker:my content creation outside of the podcast. And I'm going to do a
Speaker:separate episode that kind of walks through exactly what this
Speaker:workflow looks like. Um, so definitely stay tuned for
Speaker:that. But. those were just four other ways that I'm using
Speaker:AI. Most specifically this time around Chad
Speaker:GPT to support me. So one, it helped me to create
Speaker:a homeschool curriculum. Um, to help me to
Speaker:analyze data from my spending habits
Speaker:three helped me to analyze data from my
Speaker:emails that I sent. And then for helped me to
Speaker:create a content calendar. All
Speaker:right. So again, this was part two. If you miss part one, I'll
Speaker:link it in the show description and shoot me a message over on Instagram. Let
Speaker:me know how you are using AI to support
Speaker:you in life in a business. Thanks for listening. And I'll
Speaker:see you in the next episode. Thank you for listening to the
Speaker:MomCEO Suite Podcast. If you enjoyed this
Speaker:episode, can you do us a favor? Leave a review on iTunes
Speaker:and share with other moms in business like you. Help us spread our
Speaker:message and empower others who are at this intersection of
Speaker:motherhood and entrepreneurship.